Blue Horizon Partners with Château Crypto
Blue Horizon is delighted to announce that Château Crypto has joined us as an advisor and a strategic partner. Château Crypto is well known in the crypto space for investing in high quality blockchain projects at an early stage, and we are delighted that they have seen the same potential in Blue Horizon. Château Crypto will use their network of media contacts, influencers, entrepreneurs, and investment groups to help Blue Horizon reach new markets and investment avenues.
Château Crypto recognized Blue Horizon’s game changing combination of a curated NFT marketplace and a DeFi platform as an example of the future of the NFT space and were happy to take us under their wing pre-launch. We at Blue Horizon recognized that the experience of the Château Crypto team in dealing with quality new blockchain projects is something that will prove invaluable as we gear up for a full launch later this year, and we’re thrilled to be working with them.
Blue Horizon CEO Taco said of the partnership with Château Crypto:
“We’re delighted that Château Crypto has chosen to become a strategic partner with Blue Horizon. The Château Crypto team has worked with some truly groundbreaking crypto projects and we’re thrilled to be considered one of their next generation projects. Château Crypto will help us reach people and markets that would have otherwise been closed doors, giving us a crucial leg up as we continue to build towards our launch date.”
Keep a lookout for further developments and exciting partnerships in the weeks to come!
The Blue Horizon Team
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