Blue Horizon NFT
3 min readDec 29, 2021

Dear Blue Horizon community

As we are nearing the launch of full NFT functionality on the Blue Horizon Platform, our core development team is fully focused on developing the best platform in the DeFi and NFT space. In order to get Blue Horizon the attention it deserves at this critical time, we are looking to take on Blue Horizon ambassadors who will promote the platform to the wider crypto community.

Given that our community is full of DeFi and NFT lovers, we’re sure that among you are a number of individuals who would love to be part of the success of Blue Horizon and who can also help us take our first steps towards full community governance!

So what are we looking for? In short, we’re looking to expand our operational team with three community members who would actively help us to promote the Blue Horizon platform in a multitude of NFT hubs such as Reddit, Discord, Twitter and Telegram.

Naturally we’re looking for people who love Blue Horizon and recognize what our ambitions are and what we want to achieve. We need people who are happy to big us up in these forums and tell the crypto world how great Blue Horizon is (without spamming). In return for their efforts, our ambassadors will receive monthly BLH tokens, achievement bonuses, early beta access, sneak previews of our NFT artwork and NFT containment units, and more.

They will also have a direct line of communication with the core development team to offer feedback and development ideas gained from their interactions on how to improve the Blue Horizon platform.

If you’re interested in being a Blue Horizon ambassador, just fill in our application form and tell us why you would be a good fit for the role. Those whose applications are accepted will then have a chat with the Blue Horizon team so we can get to know you and you can tell us how you would go about informing the crypto world of what Blue Horizon can bring to the DeFi and NFT world.

We can’t wait to see the ideas that our community has for getting Blue Horizon out there, and we look forward to receiving your applications.

Sincerely, the BLH team


For more info, be sure to follow us on social media:

· Website:

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· Telegram:

· Telegram Announcements:

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Blue Horizon NFT

We improve the experience for our artists and collectors by releasing exclusive, high quality NFT series.